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menang tipis bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menang tipis"
  • menang:    carried the day; carry the day; gain the
  • tipis:    flimsy; thin; thinly; by a short head; filmy;
  • menang:    carried the day; carry the day; gain the upperhand; gained the upperhand; gaining the upperhand; get round; getting the best of; getting the better of; got the best of; had the upper hand; have the
  • tipis:    flimsy; thin; thinly; by a short head; filmy; marginal; sheer; wispy; poor; slender; sparse; light; slight; fine; flat; gaunt; lean; airy
  • berkesempatan menang:    can win; in the running
  • menang angka:    outpointed; outpointing
  • menang berjudi:    breaking the bank; broke the bank; broken the bank
  • menang debat:    outtalked; outtalking
  • menang lotre:    made a killing; make a killing; making a killing
  • menang mudah:    edge out of; edged out of; edging out of; run rings around; won hands down; walk off with
  • menang voting:    outvoted; outvoting
  • yang menang:    conquering; winning
  • yg menang:    winning
  • awan tipis:    cirrus
  • berdinding tipis:    thin-unalled
  • They're beak to beak, wing to wing... and it's Nod by a tail feather!
    Mereka bersaing ketat... dan Nod menang tipis.
  • Wilson was narrowly re-elected in 1916 after campaigning with the slogan "he kept us out of war".
    Wilson menang tipis dalam pemilu presiden 1916 karena para pendukungnya menyatakan bahwa "ia menjauhkan kami dari perang".
  • Uruguay, however, had encountered difficulties in their matches with Spain and Sweden, managing only a draw against Spain and a narrow victory over Sweden.
    Uruguay, di sisi lain, mengalami kesulitan pada dua pertandingan sebelumnya dengan Spanyol dan Swedia, dengan hasil seri melawan Spanyol dan menang tipis dengan Swedia.
  • He narrowly beat his nearest opponent, Maxime Carlot Korman, another former Vanuatu Prime Minister and the leader of the Vanuatu Republican Party, who captured 25 votes in Parliament.
    Ia menang tipis atas lawannya, Maxime Carlot Korman, yang juga mantan Perdana Menteri Vanuatu dan pemimpin Partai Republik Vanuatu yang memperoleh 25 suara.
  • Beef nature sweet, flat, human spleen, stomach, can make up the stomach, Qi Qi, strong bones. Governance wasting win thin, thirst, weak spleen is not transported, ruffian plot, edema,
    Sapi alam manis, datar, limpa manusia, perut, bisa membuat perut, Qi Qi, tulang kuat. Pemborosan tata pemerintahan menang tipis, haus, limpa lemah tidak diangkut, plot bajingan, edema,
  • On the first mountain stage, Ullrich narrowly won against the defending Vuelta a España champion Abraham Olano of Team ONCE in a group sprint that included Frank Vandenbroucke, Roberto Heras and Davide Rebellin.
    Di turnamen tahap pertama, Ullrich menang tipis melawan juara bertahan Abraham Olano beserta timnya yang terdiri dari Frank Vandenbroucke, Roberto Heras dan Davide Rebellin.
  • Adhyaksa obtained 17 votes out of a total of 34 votes contested, narrowly won by the Deputy Chairperson of the Education and Training Center and Lecturer at the National Defense Institute, Jana T. Anggadireja.
    Adhyaksa memperoleh 17 suara dari dari total 34 suara yang diperebutkan, menang tipis dari Wakil Ketua Diklat Kwarnas serta Dosen Lemhanas, Jana T. Anggadireja.
  • Beef nature sweet flat human spleen stomach can make up the stomach Qi Qi strong bones Governance wasting win thin thirst weak spleen is not transported ruffian plot edema Yaoxisuanruan Beef is rich in protein its amino acid composition closer to...
    Sapi alam manis, datar, limpa manusia, perut, bisa membuat perut, Qi Qi, tulang kuat. Pemborosan tata pemerintahan menang tipis, haus, limpa lemah tidak diangkut, plot bajingan, edema, Yaoxisuanruan. Daging sapi kaya akan protein, komposisi asam...